Seeing a flea on your head in a dream indicates that you will breathe easier, be satisfied with the result, carry out great work, go through a troubled and sad period and have to make a decision that will cause tears and great regret, a great profit will be made in business life thanks to the effort to be given, a troubled job will be entered and overcome thanks to the patience shown, new decisions will be made.
Also seeing a flea on your head in a dream indicates that you will come together with them never to be separated again, you will be able to meet your personal needs easily, things will always go smoothly in the person's life, even the dry bread he eats will seem like kebab to him thanks to his calm mind and life, he will get rid of a trouble, he will look at the problems more intelligently.
Psychologically seeing a flea on your head in a dream indicates that things will go wrong, It indicates that his money and life will be safe, he will write his name for very big things and he will act with people who are suitable for his purposes in his family and social life, his money will not decrease from his pocket, his work will continue, he will tend to what God has made permissible, he will undertake new works and projects, the problems that make his life difficult and have become knots will be solved.