Dream Interpretation

Seeing yourself flying over a carpet in a dream

Seeing yourself flying over a carpet in a dream is interpreted for working people as the end of a period of great sorrow, your work will be appreciated, it will bring both first place and profit, you will look to the future with more hope and your morale will be restored, you will go through a difficult and problematic period, you will have a chain of companies.

Also seeing yourself flying over a carpet in a dream is interpreted as your success will increase, you will produce very great works and earn a very large amount of financial profit, a secret that has been hidden for a long time will be revealed, you will start business life and carry out very great works, you will not be in trouble, you will make decisions that will not bring you good.

Psychological interpretation of seeing yourself flying over a carpet in a dream

Psychologically seeing yourself flying over a carpet in a dream is interpreted as the absence of disappointment, siblings will support each other, but when the truth comes out, everyone will apologize. It is interpreted that he will not be able to enjoy life at all, he will have a hard time because of some problems he will experience at home while he is resting his mind in a summer place, he will experience some events that will inevitably cause him to be very deeply and greatly saddened and to be left alone.


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It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.
Eckhart Tolle

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