Seeing garlic food in a dream indicates that there will be no major troubles, thus great profits will be made, uncanny events will happen to you, you will have power and strength against your rivals and people you have supported for a long time will turn their backs on you, you will enjoy being successful in every job with your luck, the person will never have difficulty in earning his/her sustenance.
Also, seeing garlic food in a dream indicates that you will get together more often, you will not be able to pull yourself together despite the many supports you will receive and the decisions you will make, your work will face bigger problems day by day, discussions and unrest will end, you will evaluate the opportunities just in time, you will support someone you love very much who is going through very difficult times or you will make a big financial contribution to a person in a very difficult situation.
Psychologically, seeing garlic food in a dream indicates that thanks to the motivation it gives, every It is interpreted that the person will overcome the difficulties easily, will not encounter major problems in his life, will have problems with his loved ones, will work in jobs that will benefit humanity in the future, will start to look at the people around him with suspicion, but will be tried to be dragged into evil again by a bad-hearted and cruel person who knew him before, a baby like a ball of light will come.