Seeing yourself getting a massage in your dream indicates that your financial troubles will no longer be your size, you will not encounter difficulties and deprivation, then you will enter into a collaboration with a person who has gained great experience in business for many years, your earnings will increase and abundance will come to your life, thanks to the income you will earn, all of your financial losses will be covered and you will be comfortable, you will pursue some suitable works, you will leave your troubles and sorrows behind.
Also seeing yourself getting a massage in your dream indicates that you will make an effort to stand up and shake yourself and the next thing will come like a sock unraveling and the person will regain his old strength, the works that have been left unfinished for a long time will be completed without any work problems, your luck will return thanks to the steps you will take in your work, there will be a problem related to both work and social life, you will spend to help people in need and thus you will feel peaceful.
Psychologically, seeing yourself getting a massage in your dream indicates that you will have a lot of trouble in your work, your problems will be solved one by one, your troubles will end soon, your income will be solid and stable, you will have to enter a job that will cause you loss, you will always be very sad, a saddening situation will be eliminated, you may regret some of the steps you will take.