Getting a school report card in a dream indicates that you will start to feel unhappy and inadequate, you will distance a relative with harmful habits from your family, you will enter a very big business with your loved ones, you will make new attempts to make a profit, you will become quite famous in a short time and develop different hobbies and habits, your health will also deteriorate.
In addition, getting a school report card in a dream indicates that the ways to success and victory will be discovered and new income channels will be reached, troubles will end, you will have to struggle with great troubles and debts, you will realize the projects you want to realize thanks to this, you will cause very big and irreversible damages, your troubles will end and you will become a more successful person with every step and rise very quickly.
Psychologically, getting a school report card in a dream indicates that all eyes will be on you, your financial power will increase It indicates that your faith will decrease, that you will never be disappointed thanks to very big and strong friendships, that you will meet and cooperate with knowledgeable and experienced people, that you will achieve your desire and find the life you want to live, that you will not steal and corrupt, that you can drink, and that your faith will be wholehearted and very high.