Giving meat to cats in a dream indicates that you will earn more money over time, you will feel cheerful like a child, you will lose some money and be sad, you will not have financial difficulties in meeting your needs, that is, you will not have financial difficulties, you will get rid of your troubles and problems and be comfortable, you will get married well and become very good in terms of morale and motivation.
Also, giving meat to cats in a dream indicates that you will have your own bread and butter, evil will be removed from the person's life and unlimited chance will be obtained in every subject, only he will save himself from the difficulties he will fall into, there will be no unsolvable problems, you will be a good craftsman, instead of communicating with your relatives who want to help.
Psychologically, giving meat to cats in a dream indicates that you will overcome your troubles, you will come out of every job with flying colors, a good news that will rise like a sun to your home. It indicates that he/she will earn a lot of money in every job he/she enters in his/her business life, that he/she will suffer losses on the way he/she enters, that he/she will live very happily and peacefully with his/her loved ones, but that he/she will be in a better position than before thanks to a partnership he/she will enter into later or a very big project he/she will realize, and that he/she will find a cure for his/her troubles and thus become better.