Going on a donkey in a dream indicates that since there is no concrete evidence, the partnership will continue, the person will find good in his life, you will go through a great danger, you will continue with him in a good way, your future will be rich and happy, you will say hello to a new life on the road to be set off with a good fortune, the works waiting in line will be postponed or suspended for some reason.
In addition, going on a donkey in a dream indicates that you will go through a difficult period, you will reach a new social environment, you will mediate, your works will decrease day by day, you will make a career as a knowledgeable person, the setbacks will be eliminated.
Psychologically, going on a donkey in a dream indicates that there will be a big argument between the spouses, you will regret the work you did and the steps you took, abundance and fertility will come, the money earned with great effort will come, It indicates that the authorities will be returned, his life will be turned upside down, he will experience a very bad situation at a very unexpected moment or a small upset with a close friend due to an argument he never expected, unpleasant days will be left behind, as a result of long efforts, he will get rid of a period in which he had great financial difficulties in a short time and will become rich.