Seeing yourself half bald in a dream indicates that you will be very good both spiritually and financially, a job that has been agreed upon for a long time will be left unfinished and a job that was started with great effort will enter a period in which it will make a loss, you will follow the path of a loved one and achieve great successes like that person, happiness will increase in the house, great troubles will be experienced, you will get rid of your illnesses and reunite with him.
Also seeing yourself half bald in a dream indicates that you will have some concerns about health, you will pray to God for more abundance and for nothing to happen to you and you will always be grateful, you will come to relief from the great sadness you have experienced, you will get rid of your confusion and negative thoughts, then you will enter production activities with the things going very well and the decision to grow.
Psychologically Seeing yourself half bald in a dream indicates that you will enter production activities with your family. It indicates that the person will show respect to his elders, will be involved in good deeds, his problems will end in the near future, his work will become more and more troublesome, thus the person will not experience any sadness or trouble, unpleasant and bad events will happen to the person, he will suffer great financial losses.