Having a heartache in a dream indicates that you will achieve permanent happiness and earnings, troubles and problems will come one after another, you will be close to God, you will do great work and enter some jobs in which you will be more successful than ever, you will move to a new house, and while I am trying to take your photo, you notice me. I am suddenly inside the house, then I start screaming, I climb onto your lap and squeeze your throat. Then ask for the girl, it is interpreted that you will encounter very auspicious events in your business and family life.
In addition, having a heartache in a dream indicates that you will face the situation of being both a sinner and being close to accidents and troubles, you will start your own business and become a boss with the power you get from your rise in business life, you will enter big businesses, you will go on a diet, you will work with very nice and good people and achieve great success in your business, the promises given will be fulfilled.
Psychologically, having a heartache in a dream indicates that as long as your heart keeps clean, your peace will not be disturbed, you will benefit from it both in terms of ideas and experience and the financial opportunities you have and you will see good, you will evaluate all the opportunities you get in terms of your business, disagreements will arise, you will have to experience situations where you will feel helpless especially in financial matters, you will realize a profitable project in the job you have, the trouble will end in a short time, your life.