Having fun with old friends in a dream indicates that you will be caught in the middle of an endless argument and that you will get into a job that both close friends and relatives will oppose, you will enter a very difficult job after dealing with this situation for a long time, people who call for help will be answered, you will contact good people because of a job you have been thinking about for a long time, a smart move made to establish a home will be in vain, you will live a very happy life.
Also, having fun with old friends in a dream indicates that you will have a lot of trouble with the opportunities you have, all your troubles and problems will come to an end in this way and with God's permission, you will overcome the duality that your heart has fallen into, you will earn your living from that job that makes you unhappy, it will provide morale and motivation in the face of a bad situation you encounter, you will be enlightened.
Psychologically Having fun with old friends in a dream indicates that a project that has been worked on for a long time will be implemented and that the person will become the owner of property, the difficulties he/she experiences will end, the material resources will be used more effectively, the current life conditions will continue in the same way without interruption, he/she will benefit from this but will no longer have peace due to the wrong he/she did, the problems caused by the jealousy experienced will be corrected, he/she will be comfortable in the household and the rest of his/her life will be spent in peace and happiness from now on, the victory will be achieved thanks to these two factors.