Having yourself read in a dream indicates that you will enter a difficult job but the expected income will not be obtained and you will be sad, you will work less and travel a lot, you will be in an important position that can affect the fate of others, your peace will increase, you will be granted what you sincerely desire, you will enter some paths that will cause loss and stain your name, you will encounter some difficulties in the household.
Also, having yourself read in a dream indicates that you will be happy with your loved ones, you will sign very solid works in business life and family life, your parents' prayers will be received, gifts and clothes will be bought, abundance and prosperity will be experienced in your household, you will reach money and happiness thanks to it.
Psychologically, having yourself read in a dream indicates that you will go to a long road, you will enter a very troubled and very difficult period, you will not be worthy of them both materially and spiritually. It indicates that the person will attain his/her goals, will establish his/her own business using the opportunities he/she has, will go on a journey with his/her loved ones, will not give up on what is acceptable, large investments will be made and he/she will have a job thanks to the earnings obtained, and his/her troubles will end in a good way in a short time.