Hearing church bells in a dream indicates that debts will be eliminated, your taste will be restored, happy news, troubles will end with God's permission, you will hear words that will leave you in astonishment, you will start a peaceful life, you will become troubled and feel sad.
Also, hearing church bells in a dream indicates that you may have a new house, enter a happy and peaceful period, you will have very auspicious opportunities, thanks to this, you will lose your current job if you do not put your life in order, which causes abundance and misunderstandings, you will realize how privileged you are thanks to what God has granted you and you will enjoy it, and troubles and problems will be solved.
Psychologically hearing church bells in a dream indicates that your financial troubles will end. and bad days will be forgotten, the days of being penniless and hungry will be left behind, he will find comfort thanks to the auspicious opportunities he will obtain, he will improve his relations with the people he has problems with, he will make everyone admire him, he will solve his problems in a short time thanks to the support he will receive from the people he loves and values, he will fall into much worse situations with every step he takes, but later on, thanks to the support of one of the people he loves, he will solve his problems one by one and he will gain self-confidence to make great strides, some good developments will occur regarding his family members.