Hiding poop in a dream indicates that the person will learn that their taste is good and will experience developments that will make them happy and satisfied with their mother, a new path will be resorted to for a helpful reason that will lead to a way out and salvation, they will have a life where they will stay away from diseases and restlessness, their troubles and problems will end, they will be saved from troublesome and difficult situations, the dreamer will enter a period in which they will suffer great spiritual destruction and will experience great sadness even after overcoming this period for a long time.
Also, hiding poop in a dream indicates that they will see sacrifices from them as much as the sacrifices they have made, the troubles and difficulties experienced will end, they will have a rift with their loved ones, their peace in the family will continue in the same way until they die, all material and spiritual troubles, some operations will be performed.
Psychologically Hiding poop indicates that the person will ease their mind, they will not do anything they say, the world will prevail over them, they will always see what they can do instead of getting angry with fate, they will gain a respectable place for themselves in society, according to some commentators, the person will pass to the afterlife, they will have health problems, they will achieve greater gains by cooperating with their loved ones and they will achieve the things they have been dreaming of for a long time.