Seeing yourself holding your husband's collar in a dream indicates that the damage suffered before will be compensated in a short time, very good places will be reached in business life with good people, brand new and profitable opportunities will be caught, events will calm down and you will be spiteful, the good decisions you will make will positively affect your future, the troubles you experience in your work will end soon.
Also seeing yourself holding your husband's collar in a dream indicates that plans will be made with the opposite sex with whom you are close or have an emotional bond, you will feel good, you will live a life in abundance and prosperity, you will help some friends who are unhappy or struggling with problems, you will get rid of your problems and troubles in the near future, you will find the opportunity to guide others.
Psychologically seeing yourself holding your husband's collar in a dream indicates that you will not have trouble with luck, It is interpreted that he will keep his word, he will receive great financial support from an unexpected source, he will deceive people, he will make the right decisions about his future, he will be swept off his feet by the events he will experience, he will enter a very bad and sad period.