Hugging the person you like in a dream indicates that your self-confidence will be restored, you will work very hard, you will have a very fruitful and productive period, abundance and prosperity will come to your workplace and home, you will get rid of your troubles and problems thanks to this and find great peace, your plans will not work, your childhood friends will reunite.
Also, hugging the person you like in a dream indicates that you will get a job and bread thanks to him, you will be more resistant thanks to this, your religious beliefs will be strengthened, you will sign very big and very good works, for some reason, the dreamer will reach a very good point in a job he entered thanks to the decisions taken.
Psychologically hugging the person you like in a dream indicates that you will overcome your worries and sorrows, you will succeed in being one of God's good and beautiful servants, you will gain superiority over your competitors. It indicates that he will achieve this and thus he will be able to remove all the obstacles in front of him to reach better points, he will be comfortable financially, peace and tranquility will prevail, he will earn much more with every step he takes from his bad thoughts and he will live in peace with his loved ones, and anxiety about the future and livelihood will begin.