To see the fish with the fishing net in the dream will face a problematic situation, and because of a big disease, it will feel bad for a long time, it will not be afraid of anyone, and it will take a life as it dreams, a lot of troubled work, and thanks to the achievements it has gained, some faulty decisions that will give itself a little time, and a person who will come to the face will fall into very bad situations due to a large iftar, which will fall into the future of the person, with beauty and goodness, and problems will be taken away.
In addition, seeing the fish with the fishing net in the dream will show the head of a evil that concerns all people, the problems and troubles will be resolved, everything will begin to advance otherwise, and many other people on the right path, when they are sad, and bored, are interpreted, that the chances of the work will be clear, that the fortune will also be very bright, since the work will be clear.
Having a intelligence that will require privilege to hunt fish with the fishing net in the dream of psychologically, most sought in the world of trade, the future of marriages to the point of lice, and the great sorrow will experience, since long time, the mood that is bad will be flattered, plenty of morals will be stored, will encounter an event that will fall into a very difficult situation, when a malicious person will take out, it is interpreted, which a spiritually troubled period will be filled with axialities of work life.