dream will be without money and bread, the problems experienced will disappear as soon as possible, the things that bother you as a problem will disappear in the near future thanks to your great patience, you will live a problem-free and happy life, you will rarely experience work-related problems, you will soon go on a trip to get rid of these problems and compensate for the damages suffered, your peace and success will be permanent, you will progress very quickly and be promoted to high positions thanks to your disciplined and moral work and the projects you will put forward.
Inaddition, it is interpreted that keeping a white chicken in a dream will do things that will be appreciated, that it will experience better developments day by day, that it will get rid of its problems and troubles, that it will be taken in ways that will bring goodness, that it will be from its health and mouth taste, and that it will be spiritually calm.
Psychologically, keeping a white chicken in a dream indicates that the problems and discomforts will be overcome, the path to success will be bright, you will be spiritually at peace, you will come to a spiritually good psychology, you will face difficulties in revealing projects, you will be promoted in your job, you will not lose hope for the future, and you will encounter annoying situations.