Seeing yourself kissing a cob in a dream indicates that things will take a very good turn, you will not see any illness for a long time, you will attain God's blessings, your rank will increase, your family life will get worse day by day, the dreamer's happiness will be read on his face, you will find real and permanent happiness in your private life.
Also, seeing yourself kissing a cob in a dream indicates that you will make a difference against your competitors, you will always have troublesome days in your business life, you will evaluate all the opportunities that come your way very correctly and step into a life where you will be very happy, broken hearts will be repaired soon, some steps will be taken regarding your business life, you will do everything you can to help this person get rid of his troubles and problems.
Psychologically Seeing yourself kissing a cob indicates that your private life full of problems will come to an end, you will be promoted to high positions by working hard in your business life, your earnings will increase day by day, you will experience sad and annoying things in your family life, you will get a large amount of money, it will be the beginning of your reunion with your family and loved ones, it will be heard a lot among people and some ideas and projects that have not been seen very often for a long time will be put forward, the person will not have difficulty in continuing his life.