Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of making a wish

It is said that to make a wish in a

dream will have a large family, will lead to a superior position and wealth, that an unkind person will be put in his place, that the financial situation will be very deteriorated due to a bad surprise to be encountered soon, that he will be promoted to some positions in higher positions, and that he will have to deal with diseases, and that his work will decrease.

In addition, it is interpreted that he will come to much better places by entering with a work that he will be very relieved financially and spiritually to make a wish in the dream, that a very big opponent will be defeated on the way, that he will receive news that will make him very happy in family life and, so to speak, sweep him off his feet, that he will continue his education life from where he was left, that this will bring other difficulties after him, and that he will be someone to be talked about a lot by everyone.

Psychological interpretation of making a wish in a dream

Psychologically, it is interpreted that making a wish in a dream will make everything in his/her life completely different and extraordinary, that he/she will have painful experiences, but that he/she will use these experiences positively for the future, that he/she will become more enjoyable and his/her share will increase, that he/she will receive more respect and support, that he/she will find himself/herself in a very good place thanks to the very good use of the opportunities he/she has received, and that he/she will be able to convey his/her work to more people, that his/her grief will dissipate, and that he/she will enter a period in which he/she will be very comfortable.


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The best way to predict your future is to create it.
Peter Drucker

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