Seeing a male angel in a dream indicates that your love with your spouse will increase in your marriage, you will have the opportunity to do profitable business, you will be in very sad events, you will reach a very good level financially, you will not be able to make new attempts for a while, given it is interpreted that promises will be kept, wishes will be fulfilled.
In addition, seeing a male angel in a dream indicates that he will contact good people because of a job he has been thinking about for a long time, his name will spread abroad, he will have fun as much as he wants, in an excessively proud way, his opportunities will decrease, he will be granted more than worldly blessings.
Psychologically seeing a male angel in a dream indicates that he will get his collar from troublesome and uncanny people, failures and losses will block his way from the beginning, he will go ahead of everyone, he will make very good decisions regarding the job he does, his happiness will increase day by day, all the respect and admiration people feel will disappear, abundance in his jobs, he will make great breakthroughs.