Seeing yourself marrying your primary school friend in a dream indicates that you will have to deal with a person who makes unfair profits, you will have financial difficulties, you will defeat your rivals, you will not believe anything you hear, you will sign great works that will make a big impact in a business that you will enter with loved ones, the abundance and efficiency in your work will increase, your health will deteriorate as a result of your immunity decreasing in the near future.
Also, seeing yourself marrying your primary school friend in a dream indicates that the ice between them will melt and the arguments will be resolved pleasantly, you will lose your trust in people, you will gain great wealth in a short time, you will be harmed due to the mistakes made, you will enjoy and be in good health, you will have a better career in business life than you could ever imagine before.
Psychologically seeing yourself marrying your primary school friend in a dream indicates that you will live in prosperity and It is interpreted that the person will live a happy and peaceful life, the troubles he has experienced so far will come to an end, he will make changes in his business life by making the right decisions, he will put his life on track, he will eliminate his losses with the support he will receive and he will enter a period in which he will feel more comfortable, he will have conveniences and privileges, and after a short flirtation period, preparations will begin.