Seeing a monkey family in a dream indicates that you will find peace and happiness, your position, discussions and unrest will end, you will become the favorite of top managers, you will break off your dialogue with people who negatively affect your life and make you think negatively, you will hold his hand and come under great pressure.
Also, seeing a monkey family in a dream indicates that pessimism or situations that put the person in a gloomy mood will end, your business will be more successful every passing day, you will live in ease in financial matters, your mother's prayer will be answered, you will invest in profitable businesses, for this reason, you will take a break from business for a short time.
Psychologically seeing a monkey family in a dream indicates that you will recover your life that has almost come to the point of deterioration, you will not have any desire for anything in terms of worldly blessings and goods, you will surpass your competitors and It indicates that he/she will know how to eliminate everything, will get everything he/she wants from life, will overcome problems one by one, will have to face them head on, will not be able to enjoy the food he/she eats and the water he/she drinks, will not know what poverty is and will never be in a financially difficult situation.