Not being able to tie your head in a dream means that you will have to deal with many troubles, that your sustenance will increase day by day thanks to doing smart and righteous things, that your earnings will increase considerably thanks to the experiences gained, that you will have whatever you are enthusiastic about and want to have, that you will hang on to your work more resiliently in a short time and that you will feel more comfortable, that your business will open up a lot, that you will see peaceful days in your business and family life, and that you will earn honest and legitimate money. It is said that he will be a person who works by shedding sweat.
In addition, not being able to tie your head in a dream is interpreted as having a more peaceful and happy marriage, flying with happiness, achieving well-being and contentment, being more peaceful and enjoyable than ever in your life, ending resentments, and replacing sadness with happiness.
Psychologically, he believes that he will enter a period in which he will experience great happiness and will encounter an auspicious fortune, this situation will refresh him, his hung face will start to smile, some of the lost things will be found again soon, fears and anxieties will disappear soon, a problem that will come from one's own family, help all people who ask for help from him and give great support, and He points out that people will have great love and respect for him.