Seeing yourself peeing on a chair in a dream indicates that all unrest will be eliminated and your life will be calmer, problems will be solved again thanks to luck, some moves will be made that will double your earnings in the long term, you will achieve outstanding success in your personal and business life, you will not stand still, you will sign very good works and become a very loved person and a very good family man, you will be alone with yourself.
Also, seeing yourself peeing on a chair in a dream indicates that the steps of success will be climbed quickly, from time to time you will not be able to control your anger and say hurtful words, you will get close to people who are known as food friends and will disappear in bad days, you will start a problematic relationship, the abundance of your goods and money will increase, you will carry out some works as a result of long efforts and attract the attention of people in high ranks with these works and you will have a very respected position.
Psychologically, seeing yourself peeing on a chair in a dream indicates that you will be presented with new fortunes, you will make very big and irreversible mistakes, you will do good to people, your illnesses will end, your stress and troubles will increase day by day, you will cheat, your broken business will get back on track, you will achieve the desired results in terms of your investments.