Dream Interpretation

Dream of picking thyme

Dream of picking thyme indicates that family life will be joyful and relieved, work will decline, you will find yourself in very difficult situations, the incident will be resolved immediately before it turns into a crisis, you will start looking for a new job because the current problems at work cannot be solved, you will sit down and think for a long time about where you made a mistake and which decision you made wrong for some reason and you will wait for time to take the right steps, you will experience a great shock.

In addition, dreaming of picking thyme indicates that you will start different jobs with the income obtained in this way, your success will increase and thus your life will become much more beautiful and enjoyable, the person will get bored because of this procrastination, you will go on a journey among memories, you will say everything you need to say and thus you will feel relieved and light, things will go much worse due to a big mistake made in a step to be taken.

Psychologically, Dream of Picking Thyme interpretation

Psychologically, collecting thyme in a dream indicates that financial difficulties will end, great appreciation will be received thanks to the people who support, very auspicious and special works will be carried out, he will meet professional and tradesmen there, his attempts to gain more income and assets will not remain in vain, he will make his family equally happy, he will manage to pay his debts easily, he will make an investment such as a car or a field.


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It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.
Eckhart Tolle

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