Dream Interpretation

Seeing a picture of a watermelon in a dream

Seeing a picture of a watermelon in a dream indicates that the person will suffer great harm from the people he loves, the person will easily achieve all his wishes, hopes will end, he will be betrayed by people he never expected and he will make very radical changes in his life to protect himself, he will have a child in a short time, he will have both material and spiritual power, fortune and luck are sought in the wrong way.

Also, seeing a picture of a watermelon in a dream indicates that he will fix the situations that disturb his peace and cause him to be disturbed, he will refresh and find healing, he will have disagreements with people and his face will fall, he will manage very difficult periods comfortably, new hobbies will be acquired, he will be under the influence of these dark days for a long time.

Psychological interpretation of seeing a picture of a watermelon in a dream

Psychologically seeing a picture of a watermelon in a dream indicates that he will get into debt, he will do things behind his back and put him in a difficult situation, he will get on his way without encountering any difficulties. It indicates that the person will progress, will fall into a worse situation than he ever expected, his troubles will be erased with a stroke of a pen, the person will regain the opportunities he lost, will not stray from the right path, a partnership that has been established will be dissolved as soon as it is realized that it is causing harm and great efforts will be made to correct the damage suffered.


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It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.
Eckhart Tolle

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