Playing snow in a dream indicates that what you have will slip away from you and this will cause you to have financial difficulties, you will check all the options regarding the step you will take, you will earn much more than the money that comes out of your pocket for an unimportant reason, you will have a good business life and live a comfortable and peaceful life, you will fall into situations you never want because of bad people, you will lose for a reason and you will be very sad, but this situation will last a little long.
In addition, playing snow in a dream indicates that you will earn more with every step you take and you will find a place for yourself in high positions, you will breathe easy, you will encounter some disasters regarding your family life, both your financial situation and your family will improve, a mistake made by a close friend will be compensated in a short time by staying away from wrongdoing.
Psychologically playing snow in a dream is the last The model indicates that the requests for help from people in need will be answered and many good prayers will be received, that one will not be able to devote oneself to one's work, that one will gain experience for future work, that one will live without encountering evil, that troubles will end with God's permission in the shortest time, that there will be no people with bad intentions or evil eyes around, that one will act with a perspective that distinguishes what is lawful from what is forbidden and that one will never stray from the wrong path.