Dreaming of pouring boiling water into the sink indicates that you will enter into halal sustenance businesses with very auspicious people, guaranteed earnings, things will go bad for a reason and the money earned from the work done will be wasted, without losing strength, thanks to some precautions taken by Allah's blessings, you will gain great success, financial problems will gradually end and the person will breathe easy soon.
Also, dreaming of pouring boiling water into the sink indicates that a great breakthrough will be made immediately afterwards and you will have a very good business life, there will be no luxury, no malicious and evil-eyed people around, you will question where the disease originated and how it will be treated and get treatment, you will have a heart full of goodness and compassion, you will have more depressed days due to the decrease in your financial means.
Psychologically, it is interpreted that seeing yourself pouring boiling water into the sink in a dream means that you will be successful throughout your life, that you will increase the number of your employees, that you will improve your financial situation at a young age, that you will experience great troubles and fall into sad situations, that your happiness will be permanent, that you will fulfill the tasks given to you, that you will fall into a bad situation spiritually.