Putting a lock on the door in a dream indicates that a job entered by taking a great risk will be concluded in a good way, the promises given will be fulfilled and relief will be achieved, this person will cause great harm to the person who sees the dream, he will save money and thus succeed in becoming the owner of a considerable fortune enough for his seven dynasties, he will get rid of his problems and troubles and will solve the events he is upset about in a short time, the mistakes made will be compensated in a short time, it is interpreted that he will make himself unhappy.
Also, putting a lock on the door in a dream indicates that the mistakes made and the bad situations fallen into will be corrected and very auspicious and beautiful events will be encountered, he will have a falling out with his family due to some events he will experience, he will support needy people with a good work, his commitment to his job will be damaged, the harmonious relationships that develop mutually will become stronger in the future, he will stay away from his children and all his loved ones, is interpreted.
Psychologically, dreaming of putting a lock on the door indicates that the competitions experienced in business life will be overcome with great success, that beautiful and fruitful jobs will be entered, that new opportunities will be gained, that social relations will be worn out more in this process without being subjected to injustice, that a great financial gain will be obtained, that desires and ambitions will come true in the direction the person wants, that a union will be experienced by meeting a good fortune.