Seeing yourself receiving a bunch of roses from your lover in your dream indicates that great strides will be made in your education life, you will find yourself in very difficult times due to some of your actions, these will pass through the state gates and you will sign under the works that will perhaps be the turning point of your life, you will live a happy and peaceful life for many years, you will get into a fight with a person who tries to upset you in a community you enter, your sorrows will end and your luck and fortune will be open for the rest of your life, you will live in abundance and prosperity.
Also seeing yourself receiving a bunch of roses from your lover in your dream indicates that the person will be caught unprepared for this situation, not only will his spirituality collapse, but also he will suffer financial losses, he will deviate into shameful ways, he will attain well-being, a certain profit will be obtained, thus the profit and self-confidence will increase, thanks to the smart and successful moves he will make, he will avoid falling into very bad situations and suffering more losses. will be saved, it is interpreted.