Seeing yourself receiving a hookah as a gift in a dream indicates that you will later experience the pain and regret of this, each day will be better than the previous one, your economic situation will become much stronger each passing day, laborious jobs will increase, the chance that has been closed for a long time will open, your sorrows will not be repeated, a brand new and white life will emerge.
Also seeing yourself receiving a hookah as a gift in a dream indicates that your troubles will disappear in a short time, after all this progress in business life, you will open the doors of your heart to affairs of the heart, a person who is not liked by anyone at work due to his arrogant attitudes will become demoralized after being fired from his job or receiving a warning, you will not have any financial troubles, you will start a new friendship in social life, you will be seen as almost a different person in your social and business life and you will be very happy.
Psychologically, seeing a gift of a hookah in a dream indicates that your joy and taste will be spoiled, but later you will feel great regret and apologize to the people you hurt, your earnings will double, you will proceed without deviating from the right path, your expenses will increase, thanks to the decisions taken, you will be saved from suffering great losses and falling into bad situations, and your troubles will be solved.