Seeing yourself receiving a letter from school in a dream indicates that you will enter a difficult period for a reason, there will be big discussions, anxious expectations will end well, you will gain good earnings and successes and your troubles will end, your work will be interrupted even for a short time, you will be respected by your elders and peers thanks to being a polite person, you will not earn your bread through bad means.
Also, seeing yourself receiving a letter from school in a dream indicates that you will live it to the fullest, it is too late to fix an unpleasant situation with a loved one, you will use your earnings or wealth for business, a forgotten problem will resurface, you will get rid of your troubles and problems soon, your reputation and position will rise.
Psychologically, seeing yourself receiving a letter from school in a dream indicates that you will realize the existence of people who want to put pressure on you and take precautions. It is interpreted that the person will get a good result, the disturbing events will end soon, the person will fall into heedlessness and misguidance, but the person will be in a difficult situation because his responsibilities have increased suddenly and too much, he will feel better than before, happy and beautiful days will be experienced, he will recover from an illness.