Receiving a promise from the prime minister

Dream Interpretations

Taking a promise from the prime minister in a dream means that the work done will be rewarded and there will be a great blessing, he will be a good family head and father, he will be unemployed, a project that has been going on for months will be completed, there will be a significant abundance in the world's goods, great discussions will come to an end, and a very good moral situation will be reached with the support to be received.

In addition, getting a promise from the prime minister in a dream is interpreted that a job application will not be accepted, that he will not receive any benefit from the investments he makes, so that he will have as much profit and property as he wants, that he will see and perceive things that not everyone can see, and not only that, he will become a professional in his profession, that his life will be on track, and that the sweat of his brow and the breath he consumes will be worth what he earns.

Dream Dictionary : Receiving a promise from the prime minister

Psychologically, Dreaming of Receiving a Promise from the Prime Minister Interpretation

Psychologically, it is difficult to get a promise from the prime minister in a dream, the success that will be achieved with difficulty, that his troubles will end as soon as possible with the permission of God, that he will come out of every job he puts his hand to and intends with the whites of his forehead, that he will tie his hands on bad days, and that he will always be a person who will come to the rescue in a time of distress and will defend and protect the dreamer, and that he will suffer a lot of losses for some reason, It points out that he will not be able to meet his needs and that he will fall into situations in need of a hand, so to speak, without any risks and obstacles and without financial loss.

Dream Interpretation : Receiving a promise from the prime minister

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