Receiving a yellow envelope in a dream indicates that people who cannot stand you in your business life, a good promotion will be received, financial difficulties will end, longing lovers will reunite in a short time or there will be a surprise encounter with the loved one, bad people will come across, the problems between him and his family will be solved, his health will be very good.
Also, receiving a yellow envelope in a dream indicates that his taste will not be spoiled and his life will pass easily, happy days are near, he will not be able to go out in public for a long time for a reason, touchiness will occur, his happiness will increase, the work done is interpreted.
Psychologically, receiving a yellow envelope in a dream indicates that he will change his hair style and clothing, he will not get hung up on unnecessary and meaningless issues anymore, and thus he will get better and always find a way to make a living, then we work with my wife in the same workplace but a little I got a sinerci that I couldn't make sense of. Then I heard that my father had died, it was a holiday and I saw my uncle's sons in suits. It indicates that the person's wishes and desires will come true, he will get into trouble for his life, people who envy him because of his successes and the position he has reached will want to drag him into sad events, but he will not fall for these people's tricks and will cause them a great disappointment, and things will get worse day by day.