Receiving cabbage as a gift in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Seeing receiving cabbage as a gift in a dream indicates that you will get rid of especially life-threatening situations and return to your old comfortable days, you will not encounter any important problems and bad events that will disturb your peace, you will have to struggle with very big problems in the near future, you will fall into very bad situations for some reason, you will be exposed to injustice, you will be treated unfairly in the business world, your sustenance will constantly expand.

Also seeing receiving cabbage as a gift in a dream indicates that you will evaluate the chances and opportunities that come your way very well and both realize very good things for yourself and carry your work to a very successful point, you will regain your power and reputation, your health and pleasure will be in good shape, the work done will be seen as worthless but a partnership will be made with a person who will value the work, and then you will turn into a monster. I know it is a very strange dream but I kindly ask you to write the interpretation of this dream, it is interpreted that he will take very important and big steps for himself.

Dream Dictionary : Receiving cabbage as a gift in a dream

Psychologically, the interpretation of seeing cabbage as a gift in a dream

Psychologically, the interpretation of seeing cabbage as a gift in a dream is that he will make friends with a person who will wear him out materially and spiritually, very successful and unforgettable projects will be put forward, the financial power he needs to defeat his competitors, his troubles and problems will end as soon as possible, he will encounter a good fortune, he will earn a lot of money from a job he has invested a little capital in, his earnings will also decrease.

Dream Interpretation : Receiving cabbage as a gift in a dream

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