Receiving gold from the boss in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Receiving gold from the boss in a dream indicates that your sustenance will increase, you will make great progress in the short term, your back will bend, so to speak, from struggling with poverty, you will follow your dreams, you will attract a lot of attention thanks to the work you will carry out and the work you will put forward, you will get the cure for your illnesses and thus you will heal both spiritually and physically, you will turn some of the work you have in mind into reality in the very near future.

In addition, receiving gold from the boss in a dream indicates that some discussions will occur between the partners, you will have the opportunity to express your feelings, your luck will always be on your side, you will earn more and you will run to the help of your loved ones and people in need, you will find healing and morale, your financial problems will be resolved in a short time.

Dream Dictionary : Receiving gold from the boss in a dream

Psychological interpretation of receiving gold from the boss in a dream

Psychologically receiving gold from the boss in a dream indicates that you will be purified from your bad feelings, It indicates that thanks to the step to be taken, he/she will enter a much more professional environment, compensate for the damage he/she has suffered in a very good way, remove the sad people from his/her life, gain pleasure, an inexhaustible sustenance, and attain great wealth in a project he/she will enter with all his/her spouse and family members by making very big and very deep changes.

Dream Interpretation : Receiving gold from the boss in a dream

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