Seeing yourself receiving money from your lover's mother in a dream indicates that you will suffer a great loss morally, the dreamer will encounter adversities and ill-intentioned people, very auspicious things, will suffer great damage materially and spiritually, will go through very difficult times due to these situations and come to the brink of bankruptcy, but your spouse will not have financial difficulties, will lose his self-confidence and courage against life, very big and auspicious events will occur.
Also seeing yourself receiving money from your lover's mother in a dream indicates that you will enter into unwanted ways in order to save your working life and will be caught in the middle of discussions, a very nice project will be carried out, your business will open up and your earnings will increase, you will always find a way to make a living, you will make great profits in the projects you put forward with your own hands, you will apologize to the people whose hearts you have broken, even if unintentionally.
Psychologically, seeing yourself receiving money from your lover's mother in a dream means that you will be able to overcome your ambition and anger, thus you will be filled with happiness, you will be blamed and feel very bad, the works that started as troublesome will be fixed in the near future and the experienced resentments will end, great comfort will be experienced and happy days will come and completely change your business and family life, thanks to the works you have done, you will gain a very good place for yourself in the business world, thus you will embrace life again and return to your old good days, a headache that will be experienced due to a troublesome event.