Red and green apples in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Seeing red and green apples in a dream indicates that stress will be avoided, that when you enter a troubled and problematic job, you will borrow a very large amount from someone to fix your situation, that you will encounter surprising changes and innovations, that you will not experience pessimism in any situation, that you will be promoted to a higher position, that the mistakes made will be compensated, that you will fall into a difficult situation in your business life because of a jealous and hostile person.

Also, seeing red and green apples in a dream indicates that difficult situations will be resolved, that you will use the opportunities you have in a very good and auspicious way, that things will go well with a new decision right after, that you will repent and choose the right path, that you will obtain ample sustenance and wealth from halal ways, that you will manage to replace what you spend much more.

Dream Dictionary : Red and green apples in a dream

Psychological interpretation of seeing red and green apples in a dream

Psychological interpretation of red and green apples in a dream It indicates that the person will struggle with bad luck and misfortune for a long time, the problems will end as soon as possible, he will wipe out his worries, he will defeat the person or people who want to defeat him, the evils will be to the taste of his life, the person who sees the dream will succeed in achieving material and spiritual peace, bad luck will never come close to him and Allah will always help him.

Dream Interpretation : Red and green apples in a dream

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Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams