Seeing red and green lights in a dream indicates that the person will understand that he is not a very good person in the future, a job opportunity will be provided to a person looking for a job, he will not be able to find the strength and support to pull himself together financially, he will be sad because of an illness that a close person will catch, good doors will open for him, the person will encounter good opportunities and fortunes, the dreamer who struggles with difficulties more easily as a result of acting with reason instead of emotionally will gain great experiences.
Also seeing red and green lights in a dream indicates that his property will also be lost, there will be arguments with envious people, the established order will continue, the person will have what he has, he will prepare the person for business life by transferring his own experiences, his bread will never be cut.
Psychologically seeing red and green lights in a dream indicates that people's purchasing power will decrease, It is interpreted that the person will get rid of his debts and illnesses, will go through difficult and troubled times, will fall into trouble and his order will be disrupted, will undertake great works, will achieve the desired success in business, will compensate for his losses and will achieve what he has been dreaming of for a long time.