Red and yellow apples in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Seeing red and yellow apples in a dream indicates that the person will make peace with the people he has an argument with, the problems and troubles will end soon, all the troubles he has inside will end, his family will not support him in this regard, he will get rid of his fears, he will tend to what Allah has made permissible, it is interpreted that he will surprise everyone.

Also, seeing red and yellow apples in a dream indicates trust in God and the person will look for good in every situation, he will do everything he can to solve their problems, he will offend them and hurt them a lot, more work will be done every day than the day before, the person who sees the dream will say words that he will later regret and be upset, he will find himself in very difficult situations.

Dream Dictionary : Red and yellow apples in a dream

Psychological interpretation of seeing red and yellow apples in a dream

Psychologically, seeing red and yellow apples in a dream indicates that his debts will exceed him, the relationship will continue despite important differences, he will make much greater profits. It indicates that the person will give up some things he likes to enter some jobs and will leave his competitors behind by entering a job that suits him, will get rid of laziness and become a more hard-working person, there will be friction between the partners due to financial issues, all his wishes will come true, he will suffer damage and loss both materially and spiritually, and will face difficult situations.

Dream Interpretation : Red and yellow apples in a dream

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Eckhart Tolle