Seeing red chicken meat in a dream indicates that if he makes a wrong decision, he will fall into a very difficult situation, his wealth will continue, he will have to face very big problems and troubles, priorities and privileges will rule, a job that will provide more profit will be entered, there will be some obstacles in front of the roads to success without disappointment.
Also, seeing red chicken meat in a dream indicates that he will remain under the weight of what he will experience, the adversities will be overcome, he will always lose respect and power from his children, he will achieve great success and profits in his work, the profit will be used for people in need of help on the path of Allah and he will be saved from a great trouble with a partnership to be established.
Psychologically seeing red chicken meat in a dream indicates that his luck and fortune will go on his side, he will reach his goal and thus his pleasure and joy will be replaced. If the bottom of the river is muddy and cannot be seen, it indicates that things that can be interpreted as evil will happen, the financial situation will follow a moderate course, the person will regain their reputation, they will enter a period where they will be happy with their loved ones and they will feel relieved, they will have problems, and an attempt will be made to compensate for a mistake made by an unkind person.