Seeing a red cloud in a dream indicates that it will be an evil eye and its beauty, problems will be overcome quickly and easily, a good child will be born for the country, nation and family, it will be a bed of roses, it will be good for the person who prepares for that road, there will never be a famine in his house, the problems experienced materially and spiritually will be eliminated in a short time.
Also, seeing a red cloud in a dream indicates that he will encounter problems that are beyond him, he will listen to him, the people around him in his good days will leave him alone during this period and therefore his environment will be empty, a long-term relationship will be started, he will work enough to earn his living and his current financial situation will increase exponentially in the coming years.
Psychologically seeing a red cloud in a dream indicates that he will live in abundance and wealth, therefore his future, and it indicates that he will be saved from experiencing a great trouble, the troubles and troubles will be left behind, the damages he suffered due to the bad events he experienced will be eliminated, he will be able to achieve whatever he desires from now on, he may be very bad emotionally, he will gain great self-confidence thanks to some of the work he will put forward and the successes he will get in his business life.