Seeing red dots in a dream indicates that you will make a lot of effort to achieve success, you will have a very auspicious period in terms of money, you will live a life in peace and lightness, your life will have both ups and downs, you will stay away from the place you live, you will easily solve your problem, your belief.
Also, seeing red dots in a dream indicates that you will have a Mawlid recited for your souls, your current life conditions will continue in the same way without interruption, fruitful days will be spent, very different works will be carried out in a short time, your work will be disrupted soon, abundance and prosperity will come to your workplace and home.
Psychologically seeing red dots in a dream indicates that you will be in debt for a long time, you will encounter a betrayal you never expected, you will sometimes say words that will hurt the people you love in this chaos because you are extremely nervous, It indicates that he will live a life on the path of his path, thus, without giving up even for a moment on the path to his goal and purpose, his bread will increase and thus his mind will be at ease, he will achieve greater gains by cooperating with his loved ones and he will achieve the things he has been dreaming of for a very long time.