Seeing a red dustpan in a dream indicates that good and lucky things will come your way, you will become a more determined person, the person will find the cure he is looking for, he will benefit from those people and find benefits, he will see very good days in his business and family life and earn a lot of money, he will use the opportunities he has in a very correct and fruitful way, it is interpreted as the cure for troubles.
Also, seeing a red dustpan in a dream indicates that the person's morale and joy will be restored, success will be achieved step by step, his mental state, which is very bad due to the events he has experienced before, will get worse, he will prove himself in a job he entered by getting help from his loved ones, his work will decrease, he will overcome a very big illness because of the troubles he has experienced.
Psychologically, seeing a red dustpan in a dream indicates that good and big gains will be obtained, for this, he will pray to Allah It is interpreted that he will be grateful, he will enter into unhappy days with the bad taste in his mouth, he will enter into a period of time where he can gather strength after a long and tiring period, his sins will be forgiven, he will make a name for himself in a very nice and respected way with the projects he will put forward by working very hard, his stress and troubles will increase day by day.