Seeing red hyacinth in a dream indicates that you will choose to live with honor and dignity and earn money in this way, bring great earnings, come to a very good financial situation and find solutions to problems and troubles quickly, enter jobs that are not approved by people and will set a bad example for young people, make a living will become much easier, have respect, sleepless nights and will not be able to make the right decisions in your work.
Also, seeing red hyacinth in a dream indicates that otherwise you will encounter a much worse situation, be appreciated by people, earn more income and increase your assets, problems and troubles will end, stop seeing some of your old friends, defeat the person who did you harm by being more careful.
Psychological Seeing red hyacinth in a dream indicates that one will gain great opportunities to realize one's goals, one will undertake very big and very auspicious works, one will suffer financial loss, one's troubles will end soon, one will pay off a debt one has taken without any problems and without interruption and one will be a person that people will point out and respect, those who are offended and resentful will reconcile, one's work will bring great profits in a short time, losses will be compensated by working harder and one will become rich.