Seeing a red jacket as a gift in a dream indicates that your earnings will be much more, you will be a good child, very big steps will be taken thanks to the opportunities obtained and you will achieve good earnings, you will not be able to get the desired result from the jobs that will bring you investment, thus your hopes will not be embarrassed against the enemy, you will be resentful, you will suffer a great financial loss and have difficulty due to being indecisive.
Also, seeing a red jacket as a gift in a dream indicates that you will come to your senses, you will have a good time and get along well with your spouse and children, you will get rid of your harmony, troubles and problems with the help you will receive from an official institution, you will fall into very difficult situations and you will have to get rid of the goods you have in your hands, your poverty will end.
Psychologically seeing a red jacket as a gift in a dream indicates that you will be given great support both materially and spiritually, It is interpreted that the person will see abundance and prosperity, the ties with a harmful person will be severed, the person will be sick and have a difficult time, the steps for a blessed union will be taken, the person will be greatly appreciated thanks to their positive outlook on life, and great steps will be taken materially and spiritually.