Seeing a red lace dress in a dream indicates that you will lose financial power, you will take on a big debt on the road you enter with a close person, troublesome situations and problems will be eliminated thanks to this, you will evaluate the opportunities you get very quickly, your earnings and sustenance will not decrease at all, on the contrary, they will increase, you will move to a new city and start a new job and become a very rich person by signing very big successes in your new job, you will set off on a journey with a close friend.
Also seeing a red lace dress in a dream indicates that you will get into a fight with a person who tries to upset you in a community you enter, you will be very happy about this, so you will take various precautions for this situation, you will always protect and look after the people in your life so that they are comfortable, you will manage to get rid of the difficulties you fall into thanks to that person, there will be positive changes in your life.
Psychologically, seeing a red lace dress in a dream indicates that your earnings will increase greatly with the help of Allah and you will be in a very comfortable situation both materially and spiritually, your work and communication will deteriorate, you will be in a lot of conversation, you will spend the opportunities you have in vain and you will be very upset, you will make progress, life will become enjoyable, you will fall into very difficult situations and unfounded gossip will be spread about you.