Seeing a red pitcher in a dream indicates that you will get new jobs, for example, you will own a house or a car, the person will be among important people whose names are known abroad, you will pull yourself together financially, you will enter the wrong paths because of the worldly goods that will blind you, you will win against your opponent, the dreamer who will hold on to life tightly will put his life in order thanks to his positive psychology.
Also, seeing a red pitcher in a dream indicates that you will own a new house, you will add spiritual wealth to your wealth, you will get married to a loved one, you will get more than your share in terms of blessings, you will be comfortable in your family life, and your rewards in the afterlife are interpreted.
Psychologically, seeing a red pitcher in a dream indicates that your opportunities to do profitable jobs will increase and you will have countless opportunities, your life will be on its way. It is interpreted that he/she will enter a new world, will be in financial distress, sorrows will end, will have a beautiful and prosperous future and will live without problems, will receive the answer to his/her prayers and will always be in good health.