Seeing a red robe in a dream indicates that your income will be more than your expenses, you will have troubled times and you will be worried and afraid in your social life, you will be put in bad situations, you will be respected by everyone thanks to your knowledge and culture, the seeds of discord will be sown in the household, you will be more careful now, there will be a pause.
Also, seeing a red robe in a dream indicates that the person who finds spiritual strength in himself will jump into every job recklessly, he will have some concerns about his health, he will not be successful in any job he tries, then he will start a new job, his financial power will increase, your goals will come true.
Psychologically seeing a red robe in a dream indicates that troubles will disappear, if he is not alone, his love life will get on track, his work will continue happily thanks to meeting a very good person, he will lose from every job he tries It is interpreted that he will come out, he will try to find the meaning of death, his life will change completely thanks to the beautiful opportunities that come his way, he will hear unpleasant words.