Seeing red scales in a dream indicates that for some reason, one should pay attention to oneself, act more calmly and think that all the problems and troubles that come come from God and thus, one will pull oneself together in a short time, one will be on good terms with people and thanks to one's sweet tongue, one's conversation will never decrease, one's work will be undermined and one will have difficult days, one will have good days with loved ones, one will be successful and one's success will continue, one will have a business life in which one will struggle with bad luck, one will stay away from harmful habits.
Also, seeing red scales in a dream indicates that one will live a life without financial difficulties but not too rich, all kinds of prayers will be answered, a dark and difficult period will end, it will cause adversities and misfortunes, one will get rid of one's sorrows and worries in a short time, one will get into debt even though one does not want to.
Psychologically, seeing red sequins in a dream indicates that things will go well, people who are wronged will be helped, people in need will be helped and soon he will receive news that he has been waiting for a long time, his environment will be filled with good and charitable people, he will stumble in the future due to a problem he will encounter in a job he will step into, his peace and taste will be spoiled, he will lose his job and lose his bread, there will be great peace and happiness in the family.